The blessing of the food (also known in Austria simply as the "consecration of the meat") is a tradition at Easter in Austria, where the food of the Easter brunch is blessed by the priest on Holy Saturday. Everyone agrees that the Easter brunch is simply the best thing Easter has to offer. Resurrection or not, it wouldn't be the same without Easter brunch and let's be honest: it's *really* all about that - no meal of the year is as good as this one. Even if this custom has only peripheral connections with the Catholic Church, the sprinkling of holy water is needed so that we can say "somehow the meal tastes better when it is blessed".
But what if we no longer follow the Christian Catholic religion, have renounced it or have never confessed this faith? We would not be able to enjoy this festive meal, in fact, strictly speaking, we would not be allowed to do so (which, as non-Catholics, we do not do either).
But there is a way that is compatible with our non-belief: we simply bless the food ourselves, with the tools we have!
So what is the blessing?
From a church point of view, it means to put a signature of faith on what is blessed. Seen in non-church terms, it is a stamp of our attention, energy and unconditional love. We can say that we make the Blessed One more luminous, "raise the vibration", stamp it with attributes that make it more receptive and nurturing to us. At this point I think it depends on what you believe - or know - that constitutes the blessing you can and want to give.
How can I bless?
Very simply, however you think it goes - there are no dogmas outside of religion that we don't impose on ourselves! The principle is that energy follows awareness. What you put your focus on can manifest - as the creator of our reality, this is a basic principle. If you paint a picture without knowing what you want to paint, a different picture will emerge than if you put all your attention on it, that simple.
Yes, but concretely?
We did it like this:
And then we have wonderfully blessed food to look forward to!
Ok, and why actually at Easter? Is it any different?
This method can be used EVERY TIME. In fact, it would be good to do it all the time.
But what makes Easter so different is the time in the cycle of the year: at this time the seeds begin to germinate, the flowers start to bloom, the trees get leaves again - everything goes into its sap, the forces increase and that noticeably and clearly. The days are noticeably longer, it gets warm again. That is resurrection!
This has also become deeply anchored in our subconscious, unconsciously we feel it and become more active. In the course of time, this cycle has become a holiday dedicated to this dynamic - independent of the Catholic Church, which has merely adopted it. Many people's attention is focused on this archetype of resurrection during these days - and that makes Easter a portal where the forces are stronger than usual during the year.
And that's why the Easter brunch tastes so delicious!
Ananda Eden
Antje Keimel-Lessing und Bernhard Keimel
Mitterfladnitz 227
8322 Eichkögl
Erstellt von Antje Keimel-Lessing und Bernhard Keimel, 2024.
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Antje Keimel-Lessing
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8322 Eichkögl
Telefon: +43 660 8641702
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